  City of North Las Vegas City Seal
November 1, 2023


 4:00 p.m., Council Chambers, 2250 Las Vegas Boulevard North,
 North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030

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The North Las Vegas City Council welcomes each of you to their meeting. Redevelopment Agency Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month. Council Meetings are usually held the first and third Wednesday of each month at 4:00 P.M. at the North Las Vegas City Hall, Council Chambers, although the date or time may change, or additional meetings may be called at other times. Contact the City Clerk’s Office, or watch for posted agendas for other meetings.
ADA Logo The North Las Vegas City Council Chambers is accessible to all persons. If you need special assistance to attend and participate in the City Council meeting, please call Relay Nevada, a free service provider for deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or those having difficulty speaking on the phone, by dialing 7-1-1. Call at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in order to speak to City offices in order to submit your comments on agenda items.
QR Code The City of North Las Vegas is pleased to provide AI-powered interpretation services through Wordly. Wordly provides real-time interpretation services for each scheduled public meeting of the City so that participants can choose from English or Spanish interpretation through audio on a mobile device or visual transcript on a mobile device. To access, scan the QR Code to the left, or join via, choose a language, and click attend.
Copies of the agenda are available the day of the meeting in the lobby outside of the Council Chambers or online at under Meetings and Agendas; or on the State of Nevada’s website at A copy of the agenda is posted at City Hall for viewing.

Items on the agenda may be taken out of order. Two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration or items may be removed from the agenda or have the discussion delayed to another date. For general questions regarding this agenda or for supporting material, please contact Jackie Rodgers, City Clerk at (702) 633-1030. You may provide comments online or by email prior to the meeting. Information for submitting comments can be found on the City’s website.

If you attend the meeting and wish to speak on a particular item, please complete one of the blue cards located at either the table outside the main entrance to Council Chambers or at the podium rail inside Council Chambers and submit the card to the City Clerk. We request that you limit your comments to less than three minutes and that you avoid repetition. If you are attending the meeting in person, we also request that you remove your hat and/or sunglasses, as applicable, before speaking to the City Council.

North Las Vegas Municipal Code (NLVMC) 2.04.150(C) provides that any person making personal, impertinent, slanderous, or profane remarks or who willfully utters loud, threatening or abusive language, or engages in any disorderly conduct which would impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of the meeting shall be called to order by the presiding officer. If such disorderly conduct continues, the presiding officer at the meeting may bar the disruptive person from the remainder of the meeting. NLVMC 2.04.150(D) provides that people attending the meeting shall not engage in disorderly conduct such as hand clapping, stamping of feet, whistling, using profane language, yelling, and similar demonstration that disturbs the peace and good order of the meeting.

These proceedings can be viewed in person at Council Chambers or live online at the City’s website. Council meeting video is recorded for future viewings on KCLV, Cable Channel 2. The video of the meeting is rebroadcast on KCLV Channel 2 the Friday after the meeting at 4:00 P.M. and rebroadcast the next week on Tuesday at 12:00 P.M. and on Thursday at 6:00 A.M. The video of the meeting is published to the City’s Public Access Portal the day after the meeting.

This Notice and Agenda posted no later than three days prior to the meeting, at the City of North Las Vegas City Hall, 2250 Las Vegas Blvd. North; City Clerk’s Office, Suite 800, City website under Meetings and Agendas, and the State of Nevada website .

Mayor Pro Tempore Scott Black 
Certificate of Recognition for the Business of the Month

This is the first of two portions of the Redevelopment Agency devoted to the Public. Public comment during this portion of the agenda must be limited to matters on the agenda for action. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Chair. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.
Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting Agenda of November 1, 2023. (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve) 
Redevelopment Agency Regular Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2023. (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve) 

This is the second portion of the Redevelopment Agency devoted to the Public to speak on any subject within the jurisdiction, control, or authority of the Redevelopment Agency. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Chair. No matter raised in Public Forum may be the subject of deliberation or action but may be referred to the City Administrative Officer for action at a later date. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.

This is the first of two portions of the City Council devoted to the Public. Public comment during this portion of the agenda must be limited to matters on the agenda for action. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Mayor. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.
City Council Regular Meeting Agenda of November 1, 2023. (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve) 

Matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion. However, any Consent Item may be moved to the Business portion of the agenda for discussion at the request of any Council member.
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2023. (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve) 
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of October 18, 2023. (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve) 
Beer-Wine-Spirit-Based Products Off-Sale Business License for Apple Block LLC dba Sunny Market & Spirits, 4020 North Martin L King Boulevard, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89032. (Ward 2-Garcia-Anderson) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Full Liquor On-Sale and Beer-Wine-Spirit-Based Products Off Sale Business Licenses for LBM, LLC dba Servehzah, 640 East Deer Springs Way, Suite 110, North Las Vegas, Nevada, 89086. (Ward 4 - Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Agreement for Purchase and Installation of Broadcasting Equipment with Computer Projection Systems, LLC in an Amount Not to Exceed $134,162.49 for New Equipment to Record and Broadcast Meetings from the City Council Chambers. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Amendment No. 1 to the Water and Sewer Assistance Program Vendor Agreement with the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services to Extend the Eligibility Period to Provide Water and Sewer Bill Assistance to North Las Vegas Utility Customers. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Appointment of William Riggs as Director of Finance. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Ratify)
Appointment of Terri Sheridan as Director of Economic Development. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Ratify)
Appointment of Joemel Llamado as Director of Utilities. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Ratify)
Appointment of Jared Luke as Senior Director of Economic Development and Government Affairs. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Ratify)
Bid Number 1669; Construction Contract with CG&B Enterprises Inc., in the Amount of $807,500, Funded by the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Highway Improvement Fund for the CNLV ADA Sidewalk Accessibility FY 20/21 Project, CIP Project No. 10551-20. (Ward 2-Garcia-Anderson) (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Award and Approve)
Five Year Purchase Agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc. in the Amount of $695,614.60 for the Purchase of Tasers. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Grant Application and Acceptance of the Grant Award from the State of Nevada, Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety for the Joining Forces Grant Program, in the Total Amount of $343,750; Grant Funds in the Amount of $275,000 and a Required Local In-Kind Match in the Amount of $68,750 to Allow for Participation in the Joining Forces Program for the Police Department; and Authorize the City Manager or His Designee to Execute Various Contracts and Purchase Orders Related to Any Resulting Award and Approve Future Ministerial Changes Related to Budget, Term, and Scope. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Ratify, Approve, and Authorize )
Grant Application and Accept Any Resulting Grant Award from the State of Nevada, Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety for the Traffic Safety Grant Program, in the Amount of $90,000, with a Required Local In-Kind Match of $22,500, for a Total Amount of $112,500; and Authorize the City Manager or His Designee to Execute Various Contracts and Purchase Orders Related to Any Resulting Award and to Approve Future Ministerial Changes Related to Budget, Term, and Scope. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Ratify, Approve, and Authorize)
Laboratory Testing Services Agreement with American Toxicology for Police Department Laboratory Testing and Analysis Services for an Amount Not to Exceed $33,000 Per Year for a Term of (3) Three-Years, in a Total Amount Not To Exceed $99,000. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Professional Services Agreement with Hunden Strategic Partners, Inc. for the Preparation of a Feasibility Study for an Indoor and/or Outdoor Sports Complex for the City of North Las Vegas in the Total Amount of $79,600. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve and Ratify)
Purchase and Installation Services Agreement with Honeywell International Inc. through its Honeywell Building Technologies Business Unit Located at 6005 Vegas Valley Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89142, to Install Equipment at the Water Reclamation Facility in an Amount Not to Exceed $554,984. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 2 with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Revises the Funding Source from Highway Improvement Acquisition Fund to Highway Improvement Acquisition Fund – Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Revenue, for the Alexander Road, Simmons Street to North 5th Street Project, CIP Project No. 10503. (Ward 2-Garcia-Anderson) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 2 with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Revises the Funding Source from Fuel Revenue Indexing Extension Funds to Highway Improvement Acquisition Fund – Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Revenue, for the Downtown Complete Streets and Pedestrian Improvements Project, CIP Project No. 10505. (Ward 1 - Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Supplemental Interlocal Contract No. 1 with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada Revises the Funding Source from Highway Improvement Acquisition Fund to Highway Improvement Acquisition Fund – Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Revenue, for Washburn Road, Valley Drive to Willis Street and Commerce Street to North 5th Street Project, CIP Project No. 10511/10549. (Ward 2-Garcia-Anderson) (Ward 3-Black) (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Revocable Encroachment Permit Agreement with Permittee I-15 Owner, LP Allowing Permittee to Utilize Approximately 22,585 Square Feet of Road Right-of-Way Along El Campo Grande Avenue for a 20-year Term, to Construct, Maintain, and Operate a Private Sanitary Sewer Force Main to Provide Sanitary Services to Permittee’s Facility for a Permit Fee Calculated and Billed at Five-Year Intervals, the First Being in the Amount of $25,916.30. (Ward 1 - Barron) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
Wireless Use Agreement with Extenet Systems, Inc. to Allow for the Attachment and Installation of Equipment on City-owned Streetlights/Traffic Signals and to Tie into City-owned Power Services for the Expansion of Wireless Communication Services. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)

Matters listed under Public Hearing are those items that are required to have a public hearing according to Nevada Revised Statutes and other applicable codes. Items under this heading may require a notice published in a newspaper of general circulation and/or may require mailed notices. In addition to Public Hearing items, associated Ordinances for Final Action may be included under this heading to facilitate action on items related to the same project.
AMP-06-2023 (Losee/Elkhorn Project) for Applicant: Losee Elkhorn Properties, LLC to Request an Amendment to the Comprehensive Master Plan to Change the Land Use Designation from Mixed-Use Neighborhood to Multi-Family Residential, Located Approximately 670 Feet East of the Northeast Corner of Losee Road and Clark County 215. (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
AMP-08-2023 (Azure & Commerce) for Applicant: FOR Nevada Development, LLC to Request an Amendment to the Comprehensive Master Plan to Change the Land Use Designation from Mixed-Use Commercial to Single-Family Medium, Located at the Northeast Corner of Commerce Street and Azure Avenue. (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve)
ZN-12-2023 and Ordinance No. 3192; An Ordinance Related to Zoning; Reclassifying Approximately 4.25 ± Acres from R-E, Ranch Estates District, to an R-CL, Residential Compact Lot District, (ZN-12-2023, Azure & Commerce) Consisting of 33, Single-Family Residential Lots, for Property Located at the Northeast Corner of Azure Avenue and Commerce Street and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve; Pass and Adopt)  
ZN-10-2023 and Ordinance No. 3193; An Ordinance Related to Zoning; Adding the Urban Agriculture Overlay District (UA) to 5.29 Acres in an R-1, Single-Family Low Density District, and a C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District, (ZN-10-2023, Zion UMC) for Property Located at 2108 Revere Street and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 2-Garcia-Anderson) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve; Pass and Adopt)  
ZN-24-2021 and Ordinance No. 3194; An Ordinance Related to Zoning; Amending Ordinance No. 3099 by Amending a Previously Approved 4.5 ± Acre PUD / PID, Planned Unit Development / Planned Infill Development District, (ZN-24-2021, Dorrell and Commerce) to Allow a 30-Lot, Single-Family Residential Development with an Existing Multi-Tower Telecommunication Facility for Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Dorrell Lane and Commerce Street and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Approve; Pass and Adopt) 
Set Date on Any Appeals Filed or Required Public Hearings:
ZN-13-2023, Tule Springs – Parcel 1.24 Set Public Hearing for November 15, 2023

There is no public comment for these items and no action will be taken by the Council at this meeting. If you wish to speak on any of these items, please attend the meeting where the Final Action will be determined and submit a blue card to the Clerk.
Ordinance No. 3195; An Ordinance Related to Zoning; Reclassifying Approximately 12.35 Acres from RZ10 MPC, Residential Zone up to 10 DU/AC Master Planned Community, to R-CL PCD, Medium Density Residential Planned Community District, (ZN-13-2023, Tule Springs – Parcel 1.24) for Property Located North of Clark County 215 and Approximately 3,200 Feet East of Revere Street and Tule Springs Parkway and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. (Ward 4-Cherchio) (Set Final Action for November 15, 2023)
Appointment by City Council of Chelsea Gibson to the Parks, Arts, Recreation, and Culture Advisory Board (PARCAB) Filling a Term Ending on November 30, 2027, Servings as the Parks and Recreation Member Pursuant to the PARCAB Bylaws Section 4(A)(ii). (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Appoint)
Appointment by City Council of Aileen Cannon to the Parks, Arts, Recreation, and Culture Advisory Board (PARCAB) Filling a Term Ending on November 30, 2027, Servings as the Parks and Recreation Member Pursuant to the PARCAB Bylaws Section 4(A)(iii). (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation – Appoint)
Appointment by Councilwoman Ruth Garcia-Anderson of Katro Henderson to the Citizens' Advisory Committee for a Term Ending on November 30, 2024. (Citywide) (For Possible Action; Recommendation - Appoint)
This is the portion of the meeting devoted to the Public to speak on any subject within the jurisdiction, control, or authority of the City Council. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Mayor. No matter raised in Public Forum may be the subject of deliberation or action but may be referred to the City Manager for action at a later date. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.

The City Clerk keeps the official record of all proceedings of the City Council. In order to maintain a complete and accurate record of all proceedings, any photograph, map, chart, or other document used in any presentation to the Council should be submitted to the City Clerk. If materials are to be distributed to members of the City Council, please provide thirteen copies for distribution to the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and Staff.